‘Green Guitar’ – R.I.P Peter Green, 1946-2020.


‘Green Guitar’ – R.I.P Peter Green, 1946 – 2020.

Peter Green, an original member of Fleetwood Mac and legendary blues/rock guitarist, passed away yesterday.

He was an understated stylist possessed of one of the purest, most emotive guitar timbres in the business ,even if he led a life at times troubled by mental illness.

B.B King said of his playing, “he has the sweetest tone I ever heard. He was the only one who gave me the cold sweats.”

YouTube link to one of his best loved tracks, appropriate in remembrance, ‘In The Skies’ is below:


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The old is juxtaposed against the new in this shot of two Auckland buildings.

I always enjoy striking contrasts of any kind, especially when they are absolutely cheek by jowl.

Diversity of form and thought are precious, but often the closer you look at very different things ,the more you see the similarities.

In this case,  the use of white paint and symmetry, even though the overall stylings are massively different.

At any gathering of people there will be contrasting outlooks and personalities and varied back stories, somehow inhabiting the same place and time, for, at least, similar purposes.

Enjoy your juxtapositions!





False Spring Signal

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‘False Spring Signal’

Mid-July and daffodils have begun to appear in Auckland parks.

A bit unusual.

This bright yellow flower was shot a couple of days ago,with the temperature sitting at a relatively balmy 17/18 degrees Celsius.

“Ooooh, spring is on its way”, people coo.


Monster, frigid, gales have since come piling in from the Antarctic and the southern oceans, bringing rain, general havoc and single figure temperatures to our part of the country.

Just going to show that sometimes things are not what they appear…